Conquering My Own Literacy Learning Curve

Lately, I've been engaging in a literacy learning curve of my own. I mentioned here that I was going to take on a part-time editor's position. That job is now in full-swing, and while I'm enjoying it immensely, I have to admit there has been a bit of a learning curve.

The publishing company operates in a niche industry. Once upon a time (about 10 years ago), I was well-versed in all things related to that industry. Now that I'm back in the ring, I'm having to relearn the language of this world. Some things have bubbled to the surface quickly, but others I've had to pull biting and scratching from the dark recesses of my brain.

It is amazing how quickly technology has changed the publishing industry. Ten years ago, we had e-mail, and that's about it. Today, there are digital editions of the magazines, e-newsletters, and e- who knows what else I have yet to encounter. Regardless, I get the opportunity to improve upon my digital literacy skills. If I could only figure out the new phone system  ...

How about you? What personal literacy learning curve are you conquering this summer? I'd love to hear about it. (Hint: Leave a comment!)

For more on digital literacy, click here, here and here.

Don't forget to check out my Project 2013  progress and my More Books! page.

Thanks for reading. It keeps your ... Mind Full of Literacy!


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